Anyway, after time and the three Guardian Lords came the next strongest, the four elementals: Gurdijeff (earth), Moa Gault (fire), Fengalon (wind), and Stoldark (water). To help ready the planet for life, the land (Denogenos, actually mountain to be precise) rose and the seas (Lucadia, the sea Guardian) came and filled many of the lower parts of the land. Lightning (Nua Shakks) formed so that various things in the air needed in the ground could go there. (I'm not BS'ing; lighting forms nitrates that plants need to survive.) Life needs light to survive, so Stare Roe provided them with light during the day and Rigdobrite showed them the stars at night to reassure them there would always be light even in the darkest hours.
With all that out there and ready for action, life (Odoryuk) comes to be and the three "younger" races, (Elw, sprite, human) come into existence. (A short note about sprites: the instruction manual indicates that these exist, and that Hanpan, a Wind Mouse, is an example of such creatures.) With the beginning of life comes the end of life, so Ge Ramtos is born. To show death is not just an end, but a beginning too, Solus Emsu (heavens) comes to be.
Things were good, but terribly boring. Everyone behaved the same and were just terribly, terribly mellow. Plus, there were other things out in the universe that, if they were able to leave from where they were, could destroy the life that was created on Filgaia. Thus, the opposing forces of good and evil (Ione Paua, saint, and Duras Drum, illusion/evil) came to be, along with Equitess (sword; in a way, war) and Lucied (desire, which allowed them to want to be good or bad).
When the Metal Demons came, one of the Guardians felt since the other Guardians did not feel that they were not fit to exist, she should stand by them to show they had a right to live on Filgaia since they had no where else to go. That Guardian was Lucied. When they attacked, she stood by, hoping they would learn that was not the way to gain acceptance.
The other races need for some defense in addition to the offensive abilities they already had caused Zeldukes (stability) and Aru Sulato (ice) to come to be. (Remember, the Guardians need the thoughts of people for them to exist, and vice versa).
The age of creation was ending about that point. When the powers of the mountains, lightning, and holiness were needed to seal the parts of the heart of the demon queen, Duras Drum sealed itself in De La Metalica to ensure the balance would be kept between itself and Ione Paua.
During some point in the war (at least I think that's when this most likely happened; the book "Kema" in the Sealed Library only gave limited information), a woman (probably an Elw or mage) was given a book by a heavenly messenger (heavenly as in holy like Solus Emsu or heavenly as in the sky like Rigdobrite is not known) that is said to have theories on alchemy and the ways of the heavens. If it was received during the war, then the ability to create things such as the golems and Holmcrosses seems more possible. In order to keep the book out of the wrong hands, Stoldark agreed to protect it and assigned a sprite to stay in the book in case something went wrong and he couldn't protect the book. Unfortunately, with the weakening of the Guardians, the sprites, mostly magical/spritiual creatures, were hit the hardest. Many died or went mad and became the monsters you see in the present Filgaia. The one in the book went the latter route and trapped Stoldark in the book with him.
Of course, most of this is speculation made from what limited information we have, some logic, and some "Yeah, that's the ticket!"-like trains of thought. Still, it's better than nothing.
(With much insight from Johlarian)
June 17, 2001