*~swearing to the sky~*
Profile for Cecilia Adlehyde
Name: Cecilia Lynn Adlehyde
Age: 17
Hometown: Adlehyde
Guardian Lord she summons: Raftina, Guardian of Love
What the manual says: "The daughter of King Adlehyde, this beautiful flaxen-haired princee has the ability to communicate with the Guardians. She has spent almost her entire youth in the mysterious Curan Abbey where she has recieved training in magic and discovered the mystrious powers of an anient family heirloom, the Tear Drop. By combining elemental crests, Cecilia is able to cast various spells. Quickly approaching her 17th birthday, she is preparing to return to her home at Adlehyde Castle where a celebration awaits her." [Note: When you start the game, it's her birthday, hence the age above.]
What I say: Cecilia starts of a bit whiny (to some, she's more than "a bit" whiny), but she grows up a lot over the course of the game. Since she's lived in either the castle or the Curan Abbey for her whole life up until the demon's attack on Adlehyde to claim the Tear Drop Crystal, she's lived a really sheltered life and, since she lived in the abbey since she was about seven, it's no surprise she felt unloved for the longest time (can we say "parental neglect", boys and girls?). It took a certain someone to make her realize what love was... *Looks pointedly at a certain Holmcross who gave everyone a scare after a certain incident in the Gate Generator* All and all, she's not really all that bad a character, the writers just made her sound that way. ^^;
Quotes of hers I like:
"Being by yourself, can be dangerous in caves. Especially during a battle." (Talk to her as Rudy or Jack or have her talk to one of them [can't recall which right now] in Tripillar)
"Miracles only have worth if you can do it yourself." (To Emiko the Elw elder about saving Rudy)
Notes:: Invaluable MAD MAGIC SKILLZ. Holds the lifeforce of Filgaia in her Tear Drop crystal.
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