*~swearing to the sky~*
Crest Sorcery Chart

Level 1 White Magic - Level 1 Black Magic - Level 2 White Magic - Level 2 Black Magic

Level 1 White Magic
......... Geo Fray Wing Muse
Geo Shield Suction Hide Protect
Fray Curse Light Blow Rage Dark Blow
Wing Reflect Escape Quick Air Screen
Muse Revive Awaken Field Heal

Geo row spells

Shield - 2 MP - One Ally - Raises defense
Suction - 3 MP - One Ally - Absorbs one enemy spell cast and converts it into MP. Not really useful...
Hide - 5 MP - One Ally - Hides ally from view, thus making him/her unable to be attacked. Ally attacking normally nullifies spell. Also not really useful.
Protect - 2 MP - One Ally - Raises magic defense

Fray row spells

Curse - 1 MP - All Allies - Raises encounter rate. Don't bother with it unless you're one of those people who like leveling up a lot.
Light Blow - 2 MP - One Ally - Adds Holy attribute to attack. Useful early on against undead/Evil enemies. Later on, too. Nice spell in general.
Rage - 4 MP - One Ally - Raises stats 10%, but make you unable to control the targeted ally and use their skills. Not very useful.
Dark Blow - 2 MP - One Ally - Adds Evil attribute to attack. Not quite as useful as Light Blow, since there are fewer Holy-attribute enemies, but worth getting anyway.

Wing row spells

Reflect - 6 MP - One Ally - Reflects enemy spell back to the caster. Not particularly useful.
Escape - 8 MP - All Allies - Sends party back to the start of the current dungeon. Must-have spell!
Quick - 3 MP - One Ally - Raises response
Air Screen - 4 MP - One Ally - Raises counter rate. Not terribly useful.

Muse row spells

Revive - 12 MP - One Ally - Revives fallen ally. Another must-have, just in case.
Awaken - 2 MP - All Allies - Makes all immune to Sleep status. Necessity for certain boss battles.
Field - 2 MP - Halves power of a random element. However, the element halved will correspond to the element of any elemental ring equiped by Cecilia at the time of casting, thus negating the randomness of the spell.
Heal - 3 MP - One Ally - Heals an ally to point.

Level 1 Black Magic
......... Geo Fray Wing Muse
Geo Break Slow Down Sleep Arm. Down
Fray Flash Flame Confusion Blast
Wing Valkyrie Silence Vortex Spark
Muse Analyze Dispel Prison Freeze

Geo row spells

Break - 4 MP - One Enemy - Earth-attribute attack
Slow Down - 3 MP - Enemy Group - Slows down all enemies
Sleep - 4 MP - Enemy Group - Puts enemies to sleep. Not very useful.
Arm. Down - 3 MP - Enemy Group - Lowers enemy defense

Fray row spells

Flash - 2 MP - Enemy Group - Lowers enemy parry rate. Not very useful.
Flame - 4 MP - One Enemy - Fire-attirbute attack
Confusion - 2 MP - Enemy Group - Confuses enemy. Not very useful.
Blast - 8 MP - Enemy Group - Non-elemental attack. Fairly useful early on, when you don't have many group/all attacks available.

Wing row spells

Valkyrie - 10 MP - Random Enemies - Attacks enemies with things that appear to be multi-colored disco balls. Fairly powerful early on and just a fun spell; one of my favorites. ^_^
Silence - 4 MP - Enemy Group - Silences enemy. Would be useful if status spell worked with any regularity when you cast them...
Vortex - 4 MP - One Enemy - Wind-attribute attack
Spark - 8 MP - Enemy Group - Thunder-attribute attack

Muse row spells

Analyze - 1 MP - One Enemy - Shows enemy Level, HP, MP, and attribute. Does not work on bosses.
Dispel - 3 MP - One Enemy - Removes status-enhancing spells cast on an enemy. Hard to utilize properly.
Prison - 6 MP - One Enemy - Freezes enemy in a little crystal-like thing. One hit will kill an imprisoned enemy. Only useful in conjunction with Lucky Shot to get items.
Freeze - 4 MP - One Enemy - Water-attribute attack

Level 2 White Magic
......... Geo Fray Wing Muse
Geo Hi-Shield Hyper Invisible Life Guard
Fray Counter Up Bomb Soul Guard Anti-Magic
Wing Hi-Reflect Dummy Doll Teleport Lock State
Muse Hi-Revive Remedy Restore Hi-Heal

Geo row spells

Hi-Shield - 8 MP - All Allies - Raises defense
Hyper - 12 MP - One Ally - Doubles attack power
Invisible - 8 MP - All Allies - Reduces encounter rate. Must-have for people who, like me, hate those damn things. ^^;
Life Guard - 30 MP - One Ally - Immediately brings back character that's just been wiped out. Useful if you're running low on Goat Dolls and fighting a strong boss/boss with the "Fatal Blow" ability and you don't have Soul Guard.

Fray row spells

Counter Up - 6 MP - One Ally - Raises counter rate. Never used it myself...
Bomb - 6 MP - One Ally - Bomb counter attack. Never used this either.
Soul Guard - 18 MP - One Ally - Defends against Fatal Blows and any other instant death attack. Fairly useful in certain battles.
Anti-Magic - 12 MP - All? - No magic does damage. Never used it...

Wing row spells

Hi-Reflect - 20 MP - All Allies - Reflects enemy spells back onto caster. Slightly more useful than Reflect.
Dummy Doll - 6 MP - One Ally - Protects from attacks. Never used it...
Teleport - 12 MP - All Allies - Instantly goes to any visited town. Must-have spell, epecially when you don't have access to the Protowing/Gullwing.
Lock State - 15 MP - All Allies - Prevents status changes. Sorta useful...

Muse row spells

Hi-Revive - 40 MP - One Ally - Revives fallen character with full MP. Must-have, just in case.
Remedy - 12 MP - All Allies - Restores HP. Useful when you don't/can't use Mystic on a berry.
Restore - 4 MP - One Ally - Cures all status conditions. Must-have spell.
Hi-Heal - 12 MP - One Ally - Restores HP to full. Not quite as useful as it sounds, but handy nonetheless.

Level 2 Black Magic
......... Geo Fray Wing Muse
Geo Hi-Break Eraser Life Drain Saint
Fray Rainbow Hi-Flame Darkness Hi-Blast
Wing MP Drain Lucky Shot Hi-Vortex Hi-Spark
Muse Banish Randomizer Hi-Prison Hi-Freeze

Geo row spells

Hi-Break - 15 MP - Enemy Group - Earth-attribute attack
Eraser - 5 MP - Enemy Group - Wipes out elemental attributes. Not useful...
Life Drain - 20 MP - Enemy Group - Absorbs HP. Useful for otherwise magic-resistant enemies.
Saint - 15 MP - One Enemy - Holy-attribute attack. Does great damage to undead/Evil enemies and decent damage to non-Holy/magic -resistant enemies. Must-have.

Fray row spells

Rainbow - 15 MP - One Enemy - All-attribute attack. Nice, if for no other reason than to throw the spell back in Zeik's face. >)
Hi-Flame - 15 MP - Enemy Group - Fire-attribute attack
Darkness - 15 MP - One Enemy - Evil-attibute attack. Not as useful as Saint, but worth getting for at least the Dead Sanctuary and its Holy-elemental enemies.
Hi-Blast - 22 MP - All Enemies - Non-elemental attack. Not exactly useful by the point you get it, but it's OK for clearing out weak enemies quickly/weakening stronger enemies so the others can get rid of them faster.

Wing row spells

MP Drain - 1 MP - Enemy Group - Drain MP. Useful in situations where you have few Magic Carrots, but have to use magic and Fast Draws a lot.
Lucky Shot - 30 MP - One Enemy - Minor damage, but makes enemy drop any item it may have if it's the deathblow. Useful in conjuntion with Prison.
Hi-Vortex - 15 MP - Enemy Group - Wind-attribute attack
Hi-Spark - 22 MP - All Enemies - Thunder-attribute attack. Useful in Malduke.

Muse row spells

Banish - 12 MP - One Enemy - Lowers enemy stats. Never used it myself...
Randomizer - 30 MP - ??? - Random spell. Can heal the party to full, attack with higher level spells (e.g. Hi-Saint, Glow Blast, Keen Silf, et. al.), or inflict status effects on your party. Useful despite the risks and one of my favorite spells. ^_^
Hi-Prison - 18 MP - Enemy Group - Imprisons enemies in crystal-like things. One hit'll kill the enemies. Not very useful; enemies can free themselves quickly. Prison is more effective if you're using Lucky Shot to get items.
Hi-Freeze - 15 MP - Enemy Group - Water-attribute attack

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