Name | Target | Location | Effect | Assesment |
Lock On | Varies (One Or More Enemies) | Starts with it | Makes ARM shot 100% accurate | Like the Hand Cannon ARM, useful for bosses until you find something to replace it (in the case of Lock On, "Fury Shot"), but still useful for random encounter fights. |
Summon Guardian | Varies | Guardian Shrine | Summons Guardian for assistance in battle | Since Rudy has low magic-related stats, it's not too useful unless you've got a powerful magic-boosting Guardian's rune equipped. |
Protector | All Allies | Court Seim | Rudy takes hits meant for the others | Not all that useful, if you ask me... |
Fury Shot | Varies (One Or More Enemies) | Vassim's House; talk to Vassim as Rudy to get it | Triples output of ARM used and fires with 100% accuaracy | Once you get this, equip the Force Unit on Rudy for at least the boss battles (the ones that can't wipe you out in one hit like Ragu Ragula, that is). This is like Lock On, but with a handy power boost. If you upgraded right, can you say "9999 damage", anyone? ^_^ |
Name | Target | Location | Effect | Assesment |
Accelerator | Jack | Starts with it | Jack get the first move in the round | Useful against fast bosses when someone desperately needs healing. |
Summon Guardian | Varies | Guardian Shrine | Summons Guardian for assistance in battle | Since Jack has OK magic stats, this can be helpful in certain situations. |
Sonic Vision | One Enemy | Ship Graveyard | Jack attacks first in the round with a powerful critical strike | Not practical for minor battles, but good against non-Boomerang and Luceid boss battles (Only use it then if you've taken out one of them...). |
Dual Attack | Varies | Ka Dingel | Jack gets two turns in a round | Not as useful as it sounds. Stick with Accelerator or Sonic Vision , depending on the situation. |
Name | Target | Location | Effect | Assesment |
Mystic | Varies | Starts with it | Releases hidden powers in items (e.g. Heal all with one Berry, use Rings to unleash attack spells, etc.) | Most useful of her skills. You'll use it often, especially before you get the "Remedy" spell. |
Summon Guardian | Varies | Guardian Shrine | Summons Guardian for assistance in battle | Since she has the highest magic stats, it's damn useful when she uses it. Be sure to give her the right runes! |
High Guardian | Varies | Dead Sanctuary | Summons Guardians for assitance in battle; makes them more powerful | Not much more useful than Summon Guardian, but it's worth using. |
Dual Cast | Varies | Heaven Corridor | Cast two spells in one round. | Good for situations where you need to heal and raise stats/clear status disorders/want to attack. |