*~swearing to the sky~*
Map of Filgaia

Map of Filgaia Elw Dimension (not on map)

Forest Mound #2
Forest in northwest
Forest Prison
Forest in southwest
East of Forest Mound #2
Vassim's Lab
East of south exit of the Forest Prison


South of Surf Village
Eastern part of the snowy continent
Only town on the large southeastern continent
Court Seim
South of the snowy continent, surrounded by forest
South of the Mountain Pass
Port Timney
Land mass east of Rosetta
West of Timney, head southwest from north beach. Follow coast southwest if the vortex has been disappated
Saint Centour
East of Adlehyde on other side of mountains
Surf Village
North of Adlehyde
Yard (Ship Graveyard)
East of Milama, past Sand River. Keep north to find
Metal Demon Holdings

Demon Lab
Small island West and Far north of Milama
Gate Generator
Taken there automatically
Island surrounded by mountains. Need Proto/Gullwing to access
Snowy continent, middle section, partly surrounded by mountains
Guardian Shrines

Ancient Altar
North of Giant's Cradle
Deserted Island
Somewhere north of Epitaph of the Sea Wind
Guardian Temple
Northwest of Milama, on an island briged to from the mainland
Dead Sanctuary
West of west exit of the Wandering Isle, across the lake
Mt. Zenom
North of Baskar, northeast of the Rings of Timespace
Snowy Ravine
Small mountainous penninsula attached to the eastern part of the snowy continent

Points of Interest (dungeons, trails, houses, etc.)

Accessable by hitting the teleportation pad in an Elw Pyramid
Advanced magic guild
South of Demon's Lab, in forest north of Milama area Elw Pyramid
Ancient Arena
Only thing on island east of Baskar
Cage Tower
East of Saint Centour
Curan Abbey
Southeast of Adlehyde
Elw Pyramids
Far northeast from Milama, east of Mt. Zenom, north and east of Saint Centour, north and south of Port Timney
Epitaph of the Sea Wind
East of Court Seim, on an island
Forest Mound #1
South of Rosetta, in the forest
Forgotten Ruin
Somewhere south of Court Seim
Gemini's Corpse
West of Court Seim, in rocky territory across the mountains
Giant's Cradle
East of Saint Centour
Heaven's Corridor
West of Adlehyde, across mountains
Ka Dingel (not on map in game)
East of Anceint Arena, in the middle of an uncharted ring of land
Lolithia's Tomb
North of Adlehyde
Malduke (not on map)
Accessable from top of Ka Dingel
Maze of Death
Desert west of Timney
Mountain Pass
South eastof Adlehyde
Pleasing Garden
Wanders around in desert west of Yard. A royal pain in the arse to find sometimes
Rings of Timespace/Temple of Illusion
Northwest of Baskar. The temple is accessable only after dispelling the rings.
Sacred Shrine
Forest south of Court Seim
Sand River
East of Milama
Temple of Memory
North and far west of Adlehyde
In the Inner Sea, far east (east of Timney?)
Volcannon Trap
South of Adlehyde, on an island
East of Rosetta, in the sea
Wandering Isle
Near Forgotten Ruin, south of Court Seim
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