*~swearing to the sky~*
Stupid/Fun Things to Do in Surf Village
- See the chickens? Throw them. NOW.
- Did you throw them yet? No? Do so.
- You have the Bomb tool? Good. You see that dog in front of Tony's house? Bomb him! He'll chase you! ^_^
- Then bomb the guy at the front gate to see if he says anything!
- Bomb the chickens! Bomb those sons on motherless goats good!
- See the Memory Bird? Bomb and the chickens try to gain revenge!
- You have other tools with other characters? Use 'em on the guy at the front gate!
- Throw the chickens NOW, understand? Throw 'em!
- Use the wand on the horses for a surprise! ^_^
- For that matter, "talk" to the back of the horses. >)
- Have Jack and Cecilia come to Surf before Rudy gets kicked out. You get a bit of insight for Jack and praise for Cecilia.
(Go back?)