*~swearing to the sky~*
Stupid/Fun Things to Do in Surf Village

  1. See the chickens? Throw them. NOW.
  2. Did you throw them yet? No? Do so.
  3. You have the Bomb tool? Good. You see that dog in front of Tony's house? Bomb him! He'll chase you! ^_^
  4. Then bomb the guy at the front gate to see if he says anything!
  5. Bomb the chickens! Bomb those sons on motherless goats good!
  6. See the Memory Bird? Bomb and the chickens try to gain revenge!
  7. You have other tools with other characters? Use 'em on the guy at the front gate!
  8. Throw the chickens NOW, understand? Throw 'em!
  9. Use the wand on the horses for a surprise! ^_^
  10. For that matter, "talk" to the back of the horses. >)
  11. Have Jack and Cecilia come to Surf before Rudy gets kicked out. You get a bit of insight for Jack and praise for Cecilia.

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