*~swearing to the sky~*
Profiles for the Villians

Name: Mother
Hails from: ???
Information and comments: She is the leader of the Metal Demons. She's also, to put it bluntly, quite psycho. She wants the "complete annihlate of Filgaia", as Emma would say. Mother's a destroyer of worlds and Hiades was only her last stop. She eventually merges with Zeikfried (Paiging Dr. Freud...) in an attempt to destroy Filgaia.
Favorite quote: "My sweet Zeik... *crunch*crunch*"

Name: Zeikfried
Hails from: Hiades
Information and comments: Zeik's only a liiiiiitle more mentally stable than Mother. He doesn't want the destruction of all Filgaia, just the death of the all the humans. He also may or may not have an Oedipus Complex (if you don't know what it is, then you're lucky enough not to get the bad mental image it carries... ^^;;) Oh, and he conjures up Ka Dingel, takes of the abandoned space colony Malduke (the "New Moon"), and nearly blasts the planet into oblivion due to Mother's influence.
Favorite quote: "I ditched Mother and returned from Hell!"

Name: Alhazad
Hails from: Hiades
Information and comments: He's a happy little mad scientist and proud of it. He's also very much obsessed with Lady Harken. He created the Darkness Tear which, if not for Jack going a little nutso, would have really torn Filgaia apart. He also turned almost all the residents of Saint Centaur and quite a few people from Court Seim into monsters. He turned Elmina into Lady Harken as well.
Favorite quote: "Khhk, khhk, khhk!"

Name: Lady Harken
Hails from: Arctica
Information and comments: She's the voice of sanity of the group. Of course, considering the company she keeps, that's not all that difficult a job. She was used in the use of the Darkness Tear, which probably would have killed her if not for Jack's intervention. If you didn't read this before, she's Elmina! ElminaElminaELMINA! ELMINA!!
Favorite quote: "Only the souls of the warriors I have devoured sleep in my bosom. Do you want to know what that means?"

Name: Belselk
Hails from: Hiades
Information and comments: He's a arrogant schmuck who can't do a job right. Boomerang ends up killing him in the Volcannon Trap.
Favorite quote: Er... none, really.

Name: Zed
Hails from: Hiades, but eventually ends up residing in Saint Centaur on Filgaia.
Information and comments: He's a hyperactive Quarter Knight wannabe with some serious self-esteem issues. He's really quite a fun character ("The Ultimate Macho Man", indeed. ^_^). He's little more than a roadblock for Rudy, Jack, and Cecilia, but dammit, I think he's amusing! ^_^
Favorite quote: "I'm the Grim Reaper's pen pal! The Ultimate Macho Man!"

Name: Boomerang
Hails from: Hiades
Information and comments: He's Belselk's replacement in the Quarter Knights (a change for the better, seeing Beselk's incompetence...). He's, to put it in a silly way, a baaaaaaad mutha- (Random female voices: Shut yo' mouth!) But I'm just talkin' 'bout Boomerang! (RFV: And we can dig it!) Anyway, since he has a partner-in-crime with him, he's much harder to beat than the rest of the demons... -_-;; His goal in life is to hunt the "perfet prey"... When Zeik turns on him, he ends up sacrificing himself so that the heros can stop Zeik. That doesn't stop him from returning in the Ancient Arena, tho'.
Favorite quote: "If humans can turn hope into power, perhaps I can turn desire into a blade..."

Name: Lucied
Hails from: Filgaia
Information and comments: She's the Guardian of Desire and the only Guardian not to lose her power. She hangs out with Boomerang for some reason... (Probably because he's a large source of desire because of his perpetual hunt for the "perfect prey"?)
Favorite quote: Er, none. She's a mutie unless you use Cecilia's wand on her, and even then, she's no Shakespeare. ^^;;

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